Kansas City Manager Brian Platt was recently a finalist for the city manager job in Austin, Texas. He withdrew himself from consideration as the city extended his contract through 2027, with a 16% pay raise.
Now, some Black leaders in Kansas City are circulating a petition to potentially rescind Platt's contract extension amid accusations that he needs to be more adequately committed to racial equity in his administration.
Platt told KCUR that he believes there is "always work to be done" on racial equity. But, citing the city's diverse leadership and the hiring of its first chief equity officer, he said doesn't believe he has created additional issues.
"I think the (Kansas City Council) vote that I had for my contract extension is a good reflection of this: 11 to 1," Platt said.
"So, there is not a racial divide or an issue that you're seeing, and if there was, I think the council would make it very clear publicly to me and to everybody."