Increasing violence in Kansas City has gotten a lot of attention, leading one church to sponsor a forum where community members can workshop ideas to solve the problem. We'll preview that discussion. Then, we find out how the presence of a Fortune 500 company in Ferguson, Missouri, illustrates a history of fiscal imbalance and racial capitalism. Finally, BBC World Service radio program The Response is broadcasting the health stories of Americans, and is looking for your submission.
All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church, at 4501 Walnut Street, will host #KCTalks: Healing a Culture of Violence at 6:30 pm. on Thursday, February 2. For more information, visit
Walter Johnson will give the Richard D. McKinzie lecture at the Kansas City Public Library Plaza Branch at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, February 1. For more information, visit
Submit your own health experience to 'The Response' by using the voice recorder on your smartphone to tell your story in two minutes. Email your story to For more information, visit