Segment 1: A rise in teen suicide has led to a Johnson County, Kansas, school district to make a change.
The Signs of Suicide initiative, a nation-wide program that school systems can opt into, has been implemented in some Olathe schools this year. It administers a mental health survey to students as a preventive measure against suicide. So far, five high schools have completed training and administrators say the program has already saved lives.
- Angie Salava, counseling coordinator for the Olathe Public Schools
Segment 2, beginning at 26:30: A new golf course on the east side is more than just a sports facility.
Harris Park, at 40th and Wayne, already features five basketball courts, a volleyball court, and minature golf, but come later this month will open a pitch-and-putt golf course. Chris Harris, who started the park with $60 and an empty lot, spoke of the dream he held for years which has resulted in the park opening soon. His focus is not just on sports, but in strengthening the sense of community in the Ivanhoe neighborhood and beyond.
- Chris Harris, creator of Harris Park
For more information about Harris Park, visit