The legendary aviator born in Atchison, Kansas, vanished over the Pacific Ocean in 1937 while on a quest to become the first woman to fly around the world. Up To Date speaks with leading Earhart explorers about the recent high-profile search for her Lockheed Electra 10-E.
Rural communities across Kansas and Missouri are trying their hand at revitalization. In the face of population decline, many towns are putting effort into beautification — updating bike trails, investing in local business and Main Streets, and renewing interests in local history — in the hopes of attracting visitors and new residents.
Atchison is still in the early years of its revitalization, adding more public art, renovating historic buildings, and rethinking its downtown area. But leaders are optimistic about changing how both locals and tourists think about their community.
Amelia Earhart spent part of her childhood in Atchison, Kansas. Now her hometown is celebrating the famous aviator's life and adventures with a new museum.
The Amelia Earhart Hangar Museum in Atchison, Kansas, will feature the only Lockheed Martin Model 10 Electra still in existence. This model is identical to the plane Earhart flew on her final flight in 1937.
Since being built in 1889, the McInteer Villa has been the location of nine documented deaths. Stephanie O'Reilly bought the mansion in 2018 and outfitted it to take visitors back in time.
If you love a haunted house and learning our region's history, this list of Kansas City ghost tours and paranormal investigations is for you.
The Amelia Earhart Hangar Museum is slated to open in 2023. It honors the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.
A statue honoring the aviation pioneer — who was born in Atchison, Kansas — is now part of the U.S. Capitol's National Statuary Hall. Earhart was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean, and her statue is one of two representing Kansas in the collection.
The Amelia Earhart Hangar Museum, set to open in 2023, will trace her career and legacy through interactive, STEM-based exhibits. It will also feature the last known Lockheed Electra 10-E plane, the very model Earhart flew in her final, tragic flight.
From Kansas City headed west, explore the sites and legacy of Lewis and Clark's historic Corps of Discovery from over two centuries ago.
Many small colleges have been scraping by with declining enrollment and faltering resources for years. But they enjoy some distinct advantages over their bigger rivals in fighting the spread of the coronavirus on campus.