Vice President Joe Biden was meeting late Monday with Senate Democrats to brief them on a proposed deal to stop the sharp tax increases and spending cuts. The Senate may vote on the deal Monday night, but there will be no vote in the House until Tuesday at the earliest.
Three more fiscal cliff-type deadlines are fast approaching. They involve: 1) raising the debt ceiling 2) imposing automatic spending cuts and 3) funding the federal government to avert a partial shutdown.
Even after Congress' action to avert part of the "fiscal cliff," business owners remain cautious about hiring and expanding. Those that are growing cite the underlying economy, but others say uncertainty about government spending is keeping them wary.
Liberty Memorial got a new designation for the nation’s World War I centennial. And a new era began for the Kansas City Chiefs. Those and other top…
Health care has been a major focus in recent budget battles. New legislation provides a temporary fix in payments for doctors, but it will be paid for by a decade of cuts to hospitals. And a program for long-term-care insurance won't ever get off the ground.
By letting the House take up the Senate's fiscal cliff-dodging legislation that raises income tax rates on the wealthiest earners, Speaker John Boehner answered affirmatively a question that had been on many minds: Would he allow an up-or-down floor vote on a bill opposed by most fellow House Republicans?
Wall Street is joining a global rally. Though lawmakers didn't address all the issues, they did head off scheduled tax hikes and spending cuts.
First there will be a fight over raising the debt ceiling. Then there's another deadline for deep spending cuts. It's like another Lord of the Rings trilogy — we know at least two more stories are coming and it's clear there's going to be a lot of nastiness before the day is (we hope) saved.
The Kansas City region has been recovering from the recession at a slightly faster clip than many other places across the country.Unemployment and…
Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill, a Democrat, says that falling over the so-called fiscal cliff, the deep program cuts, and big tax increases set to hit…
Talks continue on a deal to avoid automatic spending cuts and tax increases. But with just hours to go before they kick in, an agreement remained elusive.
Talks appeared stalled Sunday as the Senate finished up for the evening without a deal in sight. Democratic Sen. Harry Reid said there was "still significant distance between the two sides."