Kansas was out in front of just about every other state in 2013 when it fully privatized its Medicaid program and renamed it KanCare.The switch to managed…
Kansas is continuing to do business with a home health care agency that a few weeks ago agreed to settle a federal kickback case for $1.8 million.State…
State officials have scheduled five meetings to gather public comment on KanCare in advance of renewing contracts to administer the state’s privatized…
Accountability. It means taking responsibility for an action or result.Lately, it’s taken on a new connotation in the field of health care. The Affordable…
The movie critics take a look at recent releases from Tinseltown. Together Russ Simmons, Fox 4; John Tibbots, professor of film at KU, and Eric Melin,…
President Obama has called for the complete removal of American troops from Afghanistan by the end of 2014. In the meantime, the U.S. is moving onto other…
The maker movement is about changing the way things are made. It's been called a new industrial revolution, with a focus on building things in garages or…
*5/13/12 Update*: Judge Drumm has dismissed the case. Molina is evaluating its grounds for appeal. A main part of Missouri’s Medicaid program is at the…
Norwegian scientists say as many as 1 in every 4 cases of breast cancer doesn't need to be found because it would never have caused symptoms or death. They also question a fundamental justification of mammography: that it finds more cancers when they're early and more curable.
When the musical "Evita" swept the 1980 Tony Awards, it triumphantly announced the arrival of two young actors - Mandy Patinkin and Patti LuPone - who…
"An Evening with Patti LuPone and Mandy Patinkin" reunites two Tony Award®-winning performers for the first time since they performed together in the…