The Kansas-Missouri border splits Kansas City, and divides the metro region more evenly, and sometimes problematically, than any American metro region cut in two by a state line.
Plastics labeled with resin codes between 1 and 7 used to all be eligible for recycling. Now, there's no market for some types of plastic, and nearly a quarter of what gets sent to sorting facilities can't be recycled.
Housing in the Kansas City area, and in Missouri overall, is quickly becoming unaffordable. The city and state are seeing some of the fastest rent increases in the country, and local housing experts and advocates say Kansas City needs to do more to protect residents.
Instead of sending trees and broken lights to the local landfill, here’s how and where you can recycle those unwanted holiday wares.
Environmental justice efforts have gained renewed relevance as a result of unprecedented funding offered by the Biden administration. Tom Jacobs of the Mid-America Regional Council is working to bring that funding to Kansas City.
The Mid-America Regional Council's "Give 5" program hopes to lessen the effects of the "silver tsunami" by giving retirees a way to contribute their time and talents to the nonprofit sector.
Driven by two omicron variants, daily COVID-19 cases in the Kansas City area jumped to an average of 162 at the end of April. That's a higher average than last year at the same time.
New cases and hospitalization in the Kansas City area continue to climb, even as the statewide spike shows signs of slowing.
Transportation, finance and building are some of the elements included in a master plan to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
Details of the proposed Regional Climate Action Plan for the Kansas City area and an examination of why Black history isn't more fully integrated into school curriculum year round.
Nearly a quarter of intensive care units in the Kansas City metro are occupied by COVID-19 patients.
The new guidance, which came out quietly on Wednesday, has stricter thresholds than the gating criteria in use in many school districts across the country.