The 2023 National Geographic documentary “The Space Race” explores the history of Black astronauts, including Kansas City’s own Ed Dwight. Local nonprofit aSTEAM Village is screening the movie to fund their trip to the 50th National Society of Black Engineers convention in Atlanta.
Kiwi Farms, a website known for harassing LGBTQ people, has lost its home on the internet. Now a Kansas City mother is speaking up about how the website conducted an abuse campaign against her transgender child.
Segment 1: Long-time NPR reporter talks national economics and highlights his experience covering the Obama and Trump administrations.Scott Horsley made…
Segment 1: Organizer fears that, "If we wait five years to make a bold intervention . . . we won't have people of color, workers and poor folks able to…
Citing its urban revival and Midwestern charm, National Geographic Traveler named Kansas City as one of the best trips to take in 2019.“We love a city…
Segment 1: Barbecue, jazz, and historical sights connect visitors with the soul of the city. Kansas Citians, prepare yourselves for a big year of tourism…
Avery Jackson was the first transgender person in the world to grace the cover of National Geographic. That's a huge responsibility for a nine-year-old…
Your job might be challenging, but Lynsey Addario's is literally a battlefield. She's been injured, ambushed, and kidnapped while working as a…
She recently made history as the first transgender person to be featured on the cover of National Geographic. A chat with Avery Jackson and her mom.At the…
The last time Conrad Anker reached the summit of Mount Everest, he did so without the aid of supplemental oxygen. This feat is achieved only by the…
The oldest culture on the planet, Aboriginals have inhabited the Australian continent for more than 50,000 years. National Geographic photographer Amy…
National Geographic photographer Jodi Cobb travels great distances to discover the secret realms of world culture. She has documented fascinating visual…