Segment 1: There are a lot of acronyms in education. How do those phrases affect kids?In the education world, 'STEM learning' refers to an emphasis on…
A restructuring of how Kansas hires agencies to manage foster care and adoptions could allow widespread exclusion of placements with gay parents — a…
The American family unit these days is way more varied than in decades past. Whether you're in a same-sex relationship, part of a cohabitating couple, or…
It's a long haul from Kansas City, Kansas, to Kanorado, but driving west on Interstate 70 doesn't have to be boring. Today, we learn about some of the…
The Kansas Department of Health and Environment has agreed to issue birth certificates for two same-sex couples.In both cases, the women had children…
Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback signed an executive order Tuesday aimed at protecting "religious freedom" for clergy that refuse to marry same-sex couples.The…
For some Kansas Citians, Friday's Supreme Court decision that same sex-couples have the right to marriage meant holding back tears at work.That was the…
Marriage equality advocates in Missouri and Kansas rejoiced Friday as the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that states are not allowed to place bans on unions by…
With the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on same-sex marriage pending, many people in Kansas and Missouri are confused about the state of the unions here.In…
The Johnson County, Kan., judge who approved the issuing of marriage licenses for same-sex couples is now the subject of a recall.Bruce Baumgardner, a…
Tod Martin wasn’t going to let 20 words keep him from marrying David Gray. While it took more than 20 years, St. Louis officials last week issued Martin...
As the Supreme Court has allowed federal benefits to same sex couples married in states where those unions are allowed by law, there is no legal change in…