Kansas City native Jon Lovitch is a full-time gingerbread man who holds the Guinness World Record for the “largest entirely edible gingerbread village." To make this year's display at City Market, it took 300 pounds of gingerbread and 1,800 pounds of icing.
One of Kansas City’s biggest tourist draws, the salvaged steamboat is poised to depart the City Market when its lease expires in 2026.
In its search for a facility large enough to hold future additions to its collection, the Arabia Steamboat Museum may have to leave Kansas City.
A $162 million development project is being proposed for the corner of Troost and Linwood, and three local museums explain how they're doing during the pandemic.
The founder of the Steamboat Arabia Museum in Kansas City backs legislation that would move it to Jefferson City.It comes as David Hawley plans a new…
Hundreds of steamboats are buried underground along the banks of the Missouri River. We just don’t know where they are. One of them, however, was recently…
Segment 1: Did you know that lice prefer O+ bloodtypes and round hair follicles?There is a stigma around having lice, but keeping quiet about the issue…
It was smelly, crowded and potentially life-threatening, but riding on a steamboat was de rigeur for travelers to Kansas City in the mid-nineteenth…
Every Kansas Citian has a list of out-of-towner attractions — barbecue, the Nelson-Atkins, a stroll through the Plaza. But we have been wondering: what…