The Chairman of Kansas City’s Regional Transit Alliance fears a proposed medical research tax will divert funds and attention from improved rail transportation. The stand does not extend to active opposition to the tax.
Kite Singleton of the Transit Alliance makes it clear he is not campaigning against the half cent medical research tax going on the Jackson County ballot in November.
In a public statement, Singleton had said it was the wrong time to redirect community focus past regional transit. However, he noted the Transit Alliance won’t take a position for or against the research tax-- “I’m not sure how I’ll vote. I think nobody wants to vote against sick children. They’re certainly an important part of our community and finding solutions is certainly very important.”
Singleton added he doesn’t want a medical research tax to dilute energy and dollars from transit. And the architect said he is not aligning with active opponents of the tax.
The research tax is heartily recommended by Jackson County Executive Mike Sanders. Sanders last sales tax initiative was stalled and remains in limbo.
That one was for a one cent sales tax to pay for a rail system using existing track and rolling stock. But the Transit Alliance head said talks remain underway to explore passage through differences about routing of a rail system into a Union Station hub.