Kansas Citians looking for a new start in the new year shouldn't put too much faith in diet fads.
When it comes to trends like keto, Flat Tummy Tea, and intermittent fasting, Dr. Matthew Lindquist, medical director at the University Health Weight Management Center, says "there's no one particular diet that is superior for weight loss."
A consistent healthy diet and exercise are the best predictors of weight loss sustainability.
But Lindquist says you shouldn't be frustrated or quit if you step on the scale after a month of exercise and don't see the numbers change yet. "That should be the expectation," he says.
For those with chronic obesity, Lindquist says new "blockbuster" medications, prescribed by a doctor, on average resulted in a 20% loss in total body weight.
Lindquist joined Up To Date to discuss healthy weight management and expectations when it comes to diet and exercise.
- Dr. Matthew Lindquist, medical director, University Health Weight Management Center