Fifty percent of Americans are women, notes Claire Bishop, executive director of American Public Square. The fact that not more of them are represented in public office is one reason American Public Square recently put together a discussion about the importance of woman getting involved in politics.
"I remember a male colleague on the other side of the aisle, said on the House floor that I just didn't understand what I was talking about and I got a little feisty about that because I know my bills inside and out," said Rep. Patty Lewis, who represents Missouri's 25th District. "I absolutely know what I'm talking about and I don't think those types of remarks would be made to a male."
Lewis and Rep. Jamie Johnson, who represents Missouri's 12th District, joined Up to Date to discuss why women might think they have to be perfect, fit societal stereotypes or deal with male colleagues questioning their ability to do the job.
- Rep. Jamie Johnson, D-Kansas City
- Rep. Patty Lewis, D-Kansas City
- Claire Bishop, executive director of American Public Square