Months before leading a controversial police raid on the Marion County Record, Marion County Police Chief Gideon Cody left his long-held job at the Kansas City Police Department under intense scrutiny.
Investigative journalist Glenn Rice, who uncovered information about Cody's past in his reporting for The Kansas City Star, says Cody was under investigation for calling one of his sergeants sexist names during a verbal altercation.
"And so, the next day (after the altercation), he thought about what happened and called her and said, 'Hey, you know what, what I did was unprofessional. You know, can we not worry about this? Let's kind of sweep this under the rug,'" explained Rice. "She, unbeknownst to him, had recorded their conversation, and soon thereafter had filed a hostile work environment complaint with the department. Then, the internal investigation transpired."
- Glenn Rice, investigative reporter with The Kansas City Star