Segment 1, beginning at 6:22: Seniors citizens can get cut off from family and routine under quarantine.
One of the groups taking extra precautions during the coronavirus pandemic are people over the age of 65. But for older adults living alone at home, there is an increased risk of social isolation.
- Ann Nguyen, assistant professor at the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences at Case Western Reserve University
Segment 2, beginning at 25:15: Highlights of lawmakers' work as the Missouri legislative session comes to a close
Although state legislators have been meeting remotely as part of staying home for the COVID-19, they gathered in Jefferson City for the last week of the session. Hear a review of the actions taken on Clean Missouri, the state budget and a prescription drug monitoring.
- Jaclyn Driscoll, statehouse and politics reporter for St. Louis Public Radio
- Jason Rosenbaum, political correspondent for St. Louis Public Radio
Segment 3, beginning at 41:40: A Kansas City artist takes the new normal of wearing face masks as inspiration for his latest series.
Kansas City Art Institute graduate Dylan Mortimer has had the respiratory condition cystic fibrosis all his life. He used his years of wearing face masks as inspiration for a portrait series called "Masked Like Me."
- Dylan Mortimer, artist and pastor
Segment 4, beginning at 51:56: Kansas City's multicolored, balloon-clad, sequin-infused, socially-distant parade
Every Sunday evening a Kansas City performance artist leads a unique parade through one Kansas City neighborhood.
- Molly Balloons, local balloon artist