Two reports came out this week about the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility, or NBAF.
The Department of Homeland Security released a risk assessment for the site, scheduled to begin construction in 2012 in Manhattan, Kan.
The National Academy of Sciences followed with a Congressionally mandated evaluation of that assessment.
The NAS report found a host of problems with the DHS study, including inadequate protection to people in the community and misguided calculations about the level of risk. The evaluation assessed the possible release of a Foot and Mouth virus at 70 percent over the 50-year life of the facility at a $9 to $50 billion cost to the economy. Livestock exports would come to a halt if an outbreak occurred.
Tom Thornton, President and CEO of the Kansas Biosciences Authority, sat down with Laura Ziegler to talk about the two reports and their implications for the NBAF.