Back in the 1990s, a city audit found most illegal dumping in Kansas City was commercial waste. Now, most illegal dumping comes from people throwing out their garbage and personal items.
Alan Ashurst, the city's illegal dumping investigator, has anywhere from 17 to 25 cameras hooked up at frequent dumping sites to try to catch people in the act.
"We can't stop people from dumping. A lot of people get mad at the city," Ashurst said. "But we do have a number of things coming up to help to at least try to keep things cleaner."
A person who gets caught dumping illegally for the first time can face a court appearance and a fine up to $600.
"That's a lot of money for someone who could've bought a trash can for $2.50," Ashurst said.
- Alan Ashurst, Kansas City's illegal dumping investigator
Residents can call (816) 513-DUMP (3867) to report illegal dumping. The city says it can usually take care of the problem within 24-36 hours. If it's a larger issue, like the site off NE Oak Ridge, it'll take more time and trucks to haul the trash away.