Kansas law prohibits landlords from retaliating against tenants for reporting poor living conditions. But it lacks enforcement and leaves tenants compromising their health and safety to avoid eviction, a new survey shows.
The program manager estimates around 50 landlord-tenant cases in Sedgwick County had been mediated as of late September, more than a year after the program begun. Meanwhile, the county typically sees around 5,000 eviction filings, or more, per year.
Missouri landlords were found to cash in on the State Assistance for Housing Relief program — sometimes for upwards of $1 million — even as they failed to provide tenants basic maintenance and upkeep.
Eviction filings have always come fast and cheap in Missouri — a legacy of Missouri’s long history of weak tenant protections. Now, eviction filings are happening faster than before the pandemic.
Tenants of Lew McGinnis say his apartments are in a state of disrepair, yet evictions are filed quickly and repeatedly.
La relación propietario-inquilino puede crear un campo abierto para disputas que pueden terminar en desalojo. Muchos inquilinos no saben que hay leyes y reglamentos que los protegen. Aquellas normas varían de un estado a otro.
The landlord-tenant relationship can be fertile ground for disputes that can result in eviction. Many renters may not realize there are laws and regulations that protect them, and they vary from state to state.