With the impacts of climate change becoming more visible, scientists and teachers across the nation are working out how to teach about the topic in the…
The conversation around climate change often feels dire and urgent. But experts say there’s still time to make a difference.“I think it's really easy to…
More than 2 million people live in the Kansas City metro, on either side of the state line. They live in urban, suburban and rural communities, and in…
It seems odd that Sporting Kansas City would make a presentation this week at a national sustainable agriculture summit. After all, professional sports…
It’s been one of the wettest years on record in Kansas City. With climate change, the likelihood of heavy rainfall is expected to increase, as are flash…
Residents in the Kansas City metro are increasingly choosing to power their homes with rooftop solar panels. It's a choice spurred by both the promise of…
In the spring of 1989, Missouri lawmakers were motivated to figure out how climate change would affect the state’s economy, political future and social…
In Kansas City and across the country, performance venues and artists have had to make adjustments due to more extreme weather events.And when it comes to…
Middle schoolers in the Kansas City area are paying close attention to Greta Thunberg and other youth climate activists making waves across the world.…
Nicole Jackson came to the first Midwest SoulVeg Fest to get some inspiration on her slow path to being a vegan. She admitted that as a black person who…
The changes in climate that people in the Kansas City region are now experiencing haven't been seen in previous lifetimes.That's according to Doug Kluck,…