Former Missouri Secretary of State Robin Carnahan will soon depart from the General Services Administration, the agency responsible for managing federal procurement and the government’s real estate holdings.
A Missouri judge threw out a lawsuit from the Missouri NAACP and other groups challenging the state's law requiring a government-issued ID to vote. But the plaintiffs say "the court got the test wrong" and ignored the burden the law places on voters.
Missouri polling places are open from 6 a.m.-7 p.m. on Election Day, Nov. 5. See live primary election results for U.S. president, Senate, governor, and statewide ballot issues like abortion rights and sports betting.
Republican candidate Denny Hoskins wants to mandate hand counting ballots for all elections, saying he distrusts machines. Democrat Barbara Phifer calls it an "attempt to sow distrust and chaos," and election officials predict delayed and error-prone results.
State Sen. Denny Hoskins and State Rep. Barbara Phifer are running to become Missouri’s next secretary of state, the top election official in the state. Here's what they said on issues like absentee voting, mail-in ballots, initiative petitions and libraries.
Derron Black is running as a Republican for the first time for a Missouri Senate district in Kansas City's urban core. He says local Democratic leadership has failed to get his community what it needs, and that voters are ready to look elsewhere for help. Plus: What Missouri voters should know about the 2024 races for secretary of state and treasurer.
According to a recent poll, Republicans have a lead in every statewide race in Missouri. The largest gap between candidates is in the race for secretary of state, the top election official.
Amendment 3, which would overturn Missouri's abortion ban, will go before voters this November despite a "minefield of ballot litigation" intended to stop it. If it passes, anti-abortion activists and state lawmakers are likely to launch more challenges.
The FBI and the U.S. Postal Service were investigating the origin of suspicious packages that have been sent to elections officials in more than 15 states, including in Missouri and Kansas. There were no immediate reports of injuries.
The Missouri Supreme Court reversed a lower court decision taking Amendment 3 off the ballot, because it did not specify which laws it could repeal. The court ordered that Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft certify to local election officials that the measure will be before voters on Nov. 5.
Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft decertified a November ballot measure to legalize abortion, and pulled it from the state website, before the Missouri Supreme Court had the chance decide whether it violated state law.
Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft initially said that the plan didn’t receive enough signatures in Missouri’s 2nd Congressional District. But a judge on Friday ruled that backers did collect enough, and ordered the measure included as Amendment 5 in the November election.