For thousands of years, birds have fascinated the minds of scientists around the world. As birds face growing challenges of climate change and habitat destruction, a new exhibit at Kansas City’s Linda Hall Library explores the study of birds and humans' impact on their populations.
Sculptor Susan White creates large works of art using thousands of thorns from the honey locust tree. She finds inspiration in the beauty of nature with a sharp point.
Artist Nano Nore hikes the trails in Liberty, Missouri, to capture the colors and shapes of a changing season. She's drawn to the subtle beauty of the late-fall landscape.
Newsrooms in Kansas City and around the country are rethinking the way they use mugshots, and a new campaign is kicking off to promote the value of clean water in urban areas.
Segment 1: An artist makes us look more closely at the disposable still life piling up on the kitchen table.When Yoonmi Nam looks at the takeout…
Some of the oldest and most diverse residents of Kansas City are its trees. As a new tree-planting effort is underway, get to know KC through its trees…
It took bee expert Mike Arduser about seven months to discover all the bee species living in two small patches of nature preserve in Kansas City.But with…
Can you imagine what it would be like to regain your sense of hearing . . . after years of silence?In this encore presentation of Central Standard, one…
We're used to mosquito bites here in the Midwest, but if you've found yourself intensely scratching a single, long-lasting bite for weeks, you've probably…
Many people dismiss Kansas as flyover country: squares and rectangles in a vast farmland quilt. A Lawrence author begs to differ; he spent years exploring…
A hundred years ago, the North American Black Bear was thought to be completely wiped out of Missouri because of humans altering their habitat and over…
You may have noticed — Kansas City is home to a large (and growing) population of Canada geese. You may have also noticed that they never seem to leave,…