Segment 1: Continuing developments still don't seal the deal for a merger of Sprint and T-MobileLast month the Justice Department gave final approval to…
Sprint and T-Mobile announced concessions to their proposed $26 billion deal on Monday, prompting promises of approval from two FCC commissioners.The two…
At the end of last year, most telecom analysts thought the proposed $26 billion merger between Sprint and T-Mobile was coasting towards an easy approval…
Segment 1: Prison consolidation, small pay bumps and more transparency are key to success in Missouri corrections department.Since taking over Missouri's…
Once the bane of parents and bosses, tattoos are now everywhere. Four out of every 10 people born after 1980 have at least one tattoo, according to the…
Segment 1: How paper airplanes communicate the trials of prison.A new exhibit from a Kansas City-based artist explores the relationships between inmates…
Growing up in Uzbekistan, everything Bek Abdullayev knew about the United States he'd learned from pop culture and Hollywood movies."A lot of high rises,…
Segment 1: Local reactions to Pennsylvania grand jury report on seven decades of sexual abuse of children by clergy."Dismay, despair," is how one observer…
Segment 1: How a tattoo interacts with technology.A tattoo artist in Topeka inks soundwave tattoos, which play a recorded sound with the help of your…
Sometimes, spending time with family can change your life’s direction. That's what happened when one trip to Missouri rooted entrepreneur Faruk Capan, and…
Vi Tran’s journey has taken him from Vietnam to refugee camps in southeast Asia to Garden City, Kansas, and finally to a burger joint in Kansas City,…
The co-working space in south Overland Park where Neelima Parasker has set up shop includes the amenities young, energetic and collaborative workers want:…