Kansas started this year without a state grocery tax after gradually reducing it in recent years. In Missouri, the total sales tax on groceries can get as high as 8%, which disproportionately affects low-income families.
In 2022, Kansas passed a three-year plan to reduce the state’s sales tax on groceries. Residents will still have to pay city and county grocery taxes.
In November's election, a majority of Platte County voters approved a quarter-cent sales tax that would fund youth mental health services. But Platte County Commissioners refused to enact the tax, drawing criticism from residents and mental health providers.
A Missouri appeals court ruled last week that the constitution’s “plain, unambiguous” language means cities and counties cannot stack marijuana sales taxes. Here's why that could mean cheaper cannabis in Kansas City.
The Missouri Court of Appeals Eastern District determined that counties don't have authority as a local government to impose an additional sales tax on recreational marijuana. In one case, cannabis customers paid a total sales tax of nearly 21%.
Nonprofits in Platte County collected signatures to get a quarter-cent sales tax on the Nov. 5 ballot after resistance from the county commission.
Families are expected to spend $875 on average for school supplies, clothing and backpacks this year. Here are a few ways to help lower the bill.
Businesses were split on their reaction to the vote on April 2 that rejected the extension of a 3/8th-cent sales tax for a ballpark in the Crossroads. Some said the loss of a downtown stadium just blocks away would hinder progress in the district. Others said the campaign was doomed from the start.
Jackson County voters decided against extending a sales tax to fund a new baseball stadium downtown and renovations at Arrowhead, by a margin of 58 to 42%. What happens next with Kansas City and the teams?
The 3/8th-cent sales tax extension would have helped build a new Kansas City Royals stadium downtown as well as fund renovations at Arrowhead Stadium for the Chiefs. Tuesday's vote followed months of intense campaigning from both teams, and a concerted opposition from community and activist groups.
Jackson County residents and leaders are split on how they'll vote on the 3/8th-cent sales tax that will fund stadium projects for the Kansas City Chiefs and Royals. KCUR journalists share what they've heard and where negotiations stand with lease and community benefits agreements.
Jackson County voters will decide Tuesday on a sales tax extension that would fund a new Royals baseball stadium in the Crossroads. But a lot of things have changed in just the last few weeks. KCUR's Celisa Calacal and Savannah Hawley-Bates explain what we know and don't know about the stadium plan, and what might happen after the vote.